Cat’s Track #65 – Megan Davidson

Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 65, with guest Megan Davidson.
Megan Davidson is an otter-ly enthusiastic data consultant and native Calgarian. Megan was one of the youngest graduates of the 2 year Baking and Pastry Arts program at SAIT at the age of 17 with a 3.98 GPA and earned her Red Seal in baking at 20. Her passion for baking is only matched by her commitment to life-long learning! Megan is in her second year of a Criminal Justice degree at Mount Royal University, where she holds a 3.97 GPA and is on the President’s Honour list as well as the Dean’s list. She is working towards researching and reforming prison systems around the world. This year, she won the Faculty of Arts Achievement Award for her academic work and is a member in good standing of the Phi Theta Cappa Honour Society.
Megan has always been active in the community with her family, primarily around homelessness and helping those most vulnerable. In 2009, she won the Volunteer Calgary Youth Leaders Award for her work with the Mustard Seed and other homeless agencies. She continues to serve others through mentorship and leadership programs at Mount Royal University and is always eager to assist her fellow students and friends when they need a shoulder or support.
Megan has had the distinction of being trained by the RCMP in counterterrorism and has attended various international CPTED or Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design courses and conferences around the world. She also holds a diploma as an administrative assistant. She still finds time to read, travel and motorbike. She can be easily spotted by the distinctive cat ears on her helmet.
Despite going to school and working fulltime, she continues to be involved in social causes with her family and has become a friend and supporter of many of Calgary’s social agencies and business leaders. She enjoys connecting with people and discovering their unique passions and experiences.