Cat’s Track #59 – Leor Rotchild

 In Cat's Track

Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 59, with guest Leor Rotchild.

Leor Rotchild serves as the Executive Director of Canadian Business for Social Responsibility (CBSR), which is a 25 year old professional association for sustainable business leaders across Canada, who are championing business as a force for good.

Leor also hosts a popular podcast called Pipelines & Turbines, which features interviews and commentary about topical energy and sustainability matters.

His background includes a decade in the energy sector as a Corporate Responsibility Advisor to Nexen and then Cenovus, as well as co-founder of the international Youth Committee of the World Petroleum Council and a key architect of the Energy Futures Lab in Alberta.

Leor also co-founded a zero-waste events business called Do It Green (DIG) and has consulted to a diversity of energy, clothing and apparel, and professional service clients.