Cat’s Track #24 – Miller Smith

 In Cat's Track

Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 24, with guest Miller Smith.

Miller Smith DDS, MD, FRCD(C), DipABOMS, FACS, FRCS(Edin)

Born and raised in Calgary – Western Canada High School, Undergrad U of Calgary, Dental School – U of Alberta, Medical School – U of Michigan Ann Arbor, Oral Maxillofacial Surgery – U of Michigan Ann Arbor, Advanced Training in Head and Neck Cancer and Craniofacial Reconstruction – Glasgow Scotland, Returned to Calgary 2011.

Owner & Operator at 2 clinics – South Calgary Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and Mahogany Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Take regional emergency and trauma call for Calgary and Southern Alberta based out of Peter Laughed Centre Hospital, Part of Cleft lip and Palate team at Alberta Children’s Hospital, Part of Tom Baker Cancer Centre Head and Neck team, Written several papers and textbook chapters on maxillofacial surgery.

President Elect – Canadian Association of Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons, Board Examiner – Royal College of Dentists of Canada.