Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 30, with guest Kathy Osterland. Kathy is the Director of Corporate Services for NorthPoint Technical Services in Calgary, Alberta. She manages the Human Resources, [...]
Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 29, with guest Barry Heck. Barry M. Heck’s professional career is focused on the formation, growth and management of a wide range of businesses and organizations. [...]
Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 28, with guest Randy Ferguson. A seasoned real estate professional with more than 40 years industry experience, Randy has held senior positions with major real [...]
Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 27, with guest Mary Moran. Mary became President and CEO of Calgary Economic Development in 2015. Under her leadership there has been greater focus on Calgary’s [...]
Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 26, with guest Jeff Boyd. As Regional President for Alberta and the Territories, Jeff Boyd has overall responsibility for Personal and Commercial Banking in the [...]
Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 25, with guest Lara Murphy. Lara Murphy is the co-founder and director of business development and strategy of Calgary’s Ryan Murphy Construction Inc. (RMC), where [...]
Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 24, with guest Miller Smith. Miller Smith DDS, MD, FRCD(C), DipABOMS, FACS, FRCS(Edin) Born and raised in Calgary – Western Canada High School, Undergrad U of [...]
Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 22, with guest Chris Maksylewicz. Chris Maksylewicz (Mack-sill-a-witch), or Chris Mak as he is more commonly known, is based in Edmonton, Alberta where he currently [...]