Cat’s Track #81 – Wayne Stewart

Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 81, with guest Wayne Stewart.
After a 27 year career with a major oil company with senior management responsibilities in marketing, product research, human resources and public affairs, Wayne has spent the last several years in the non profit sector. He has served as Executive Director of the Calgary Foundation, project director of HomeFront, President and CEO of the Calgary Homeless Foundation and as consultant (paid and volunteer) to charities on a range of issues. He has been called upon frequently where organizations face difficulty and change is needed and has led a variety of successful change processes with results that have been sustained over time.
Wayne’s eclectic education and the variety of his experiences have contributed to highly- developed analytical and conceptual abilities. He is able to quickly grasp the essence of a problem, identify solutions, encourage collaborative effort, and provide leadership during implementation. He has helped sector leaders in strategic, business and operational planning, organization and human resource issues, financial management, marketing and fund development. His community volunteer work has included membership of several boards. His passion (his calling) is to help people who suffer from lack of resources and to give voice to those who are not heard.
Committed to his own personal life long learning journey, along the way, he has served as mentor, coach and teacher in a variety of settings. In 2005, with a partner, Wayne developed and delivered a highly regarded coaching program for executive directors of charities, building confidence and competence in these important community leaders. He is a passionate advocate for, and practitioner of, servant leadership.
In his last paid work, he served as nonprofit executive-in-residence at Mount Royal University and as a volunteer, has served as Chair of the Alberta Secretariat for Action on Homelessness, as warden in his church and on the reconciliation team of the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good.
Active politically, he has been a candidate for provincial government and for mayor of Calgary. Thankfully, for Wayne and his family and perhaps also for the citizens of Calgary, he has not won either time. He remains active, supporting parties and policies that address care for those in need and for the natural world.
Wayne has written and published five books on a range of topics around the general themes of leadership, service, citizenship and the common good. He has taught high school chemistry in England, leadership to MBA students at the University of Alberta and to undergrads at Mt Royal University, environmental studies to medical practitioners in Uganda and strategic planning and story-telling at Mt Royal U.
“While I have been blessed in all aspects of life, my greatest joy comes in helping others find their way and experience their own excitement and joy at the discovery. Serving those who need help and find my contribution of value is my vocation,” he maintains.
Wayne and Martha Stewart have been married for 56 years (“I thank God every day for the love of such a magnificent woman”). They have three adult children and three adult grandkids.