Cat’s Track #37 – Peter Comrie

Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 37, with guest Peter Comrie.
As an entrepreneur, lecturer, scholar, and student of human dynamics, Peter dives headlong into everything he believes in, and excels at most things he does. Passion and enthusiasm are reflected in the results.
Community work and social issues have been two of Peter’s personal motivators. Being a philanthropist all his working life, he is deeply committed to the philosophy of giving without expectation. A founding member and vice-chairman of Altruvest Charitable Services, an organization dedicated to performance improvement for charities, he inspired corporate partners to share openly to help charities deliver their services effectively and efficiently to the communities they serve.
Schooled in many things including psychology, physics, and legend & mythology, Peter has turned his scholarly interests towards such diverse studies as the development of sustainable personal growth, awareness, motivational attitude, and medieval history.
As a motivational attitudes seminar and workshop facilitator he has inspired many listeners for organizations such as; The United Way, JV Driver Group, 4-H Council, Canadian Council Women’s Advisory Committee, Barter Business Exchange, Bell Canada, Canadian Airlines, American Airlines to mention a few.
Peter is currently the Executive V.P. and Human Capital Specialist at Full Spectrum Leadership Inc. and from that position he is committed to the philosophy of “life long learning” as a mainstay and is an uncompromising believer in the human potential. From this position he coaches individuals, executives, and companies safely down the development pathway to where true “shift happens”.