Cat’s Track #160 – Robert Schmidt

 In Cat's Track

Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 160, with guest Robert Schmidt.

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He’s like Mr. Incredible meets Mr. Spock meets Mr. Dressup. Visionary, analytical and ultra-creative; without the tights, the ears or the tickle-trunk.

Robert Schmidt may just be the epitome of atypical and abnormal, but in a good way. With a degree in Cellular, Molecular and MicroBiology, years of studying buyer psychology, and an EMBA focused on behavioral economics, Robert combines the analytical rigor of science with the openness of psychology and the practicality of business… and he knows more random information than any one person should. Just ask him.

Fortunately though Robert brings a wealth of useful information and applicable knowledge to all that he touches. In the mid-90’s Robert quickly began to climb the gold-laden corporate ladder at one of Canada’s most successful telecommunications companies. Within half a decade however he left to start his own firm focused on refining and growing the brands of his numerous clients within the B2B space. So have faith, Robert DOES know what it takes for large and small businesses to stand out.

Today, as the Principal / President of Rebox Creative Inc, he answers the most important question of“Why you?” While some may say his focus is to help organizations stand out within a crowded space, Robert believes it’s his uncanny ability to get deep inside the mind of the market and distill a clients unique and valued brand. Just think of him as a stalker with a purpose.

He is an internationally recognized expert on Branding and Communications and he has the has the pleasure of sharing his insights with audiences and clients throughout boardrooms and campuses around the world.

When Rob is not deep in study or serving his clients, he can be found jumping out of perfectly good airplanes or teaching the subject of brands, branding or marketing communications to his students at Mount Royal University, proudly being the best Dad possible for his two amazing daughters or being the best husband he can be for his lovely wife. See, he really is a nice guy and not nearly as mean as he looks.

Now for some “corporate” fine print about Robert. He’s been a catalyst for more than $1B in growth for his clients and companies.

• Robert’s experience crosses numerous highly competitive vertical industries.

• He’s an entrepreneur mentor through Futurpreneur (formerly CYBF).

• Rob’s a trusted resource speaker of Vistage International and TEC Canada.

• He’s a former member of the California based Association of Strategic Planning.

• Robert is an innovation & entrepreneur judge with ACE Canada and Enactus.

• He’s served as a Director for the Haskayne EMBA Alliance, the Federation of Calgary Communities, and with an international community development orgaization (HopeShares Canada).

• Robert serves on the Dean’s Advisory Counsel with the U of C Faculty of Science.

Mr. Schmidt can be reached at (403) 531-6240 or email at