Cat’s Track #101 – Margot Van Sluytman

Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 101, with guest Margot Van Sluytman.

Margot Van Sluytman is an award-winning poet and award-winning expressive writing leader. She is an internationally celebrated speaker and justice activist, who was awarded the alumni of distinction from Athabasca University for her research and development of: Sawbonna-A New Model of Restorative Justice. She is the Executive director Theodore’s Place Healing Home for Crime Survivors. Theodore’s Place is Margot’s promise being kept to her dad that his death by brutal murder, would not be in vain.
Her Expressive and Therapeutic Writing poetry and writing books include: Forthcoming: Hope Is: The Pandemic Poems; Dance with Your Healing-Tears Let Me Begin to Speak; The Other Inmate: Mediating Justice, Mediating Hope; Wild Self-Real Self: Surrender Not Control; Contemplative Waiting: Write Into the Heart of Your Spiritual Journey; The Other Inmate: Mediating Justice Mediating Hope; and, Breathe Me: Why Poetry Works.