Cat’s Track #100 – Patrick Lamoureux

Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 100, with guest Patrick Lamoureux.

Lams & Associates, an executive business developer/project management firm that may do any, or all of the following: Work with the existing products/services to find new channels and markets for distribution; research and recommend new products/services; explore and negotiate acquisitions of other companies; analyze and present joint venture concepts (working with other businesses or brands that may be synergistic); explore and stay abreast of competition in an attempt to find and maintain a competitive edge.
Lams & Associates assists organizations of all sizes to deliver consistent and customized service to their clients. With years in professional business development, Lams & Associates provides insights into many types of businesses and environments. Bringing that expertise to the aid of professional services firms is the latest manifestation of the unwavering desire to see people and companies succeed and resourcing the best ways to achieve superlative results.
Affiliated with properties and investments that are exceptionally desirable, Lams & Associates current portfolio includes a cross mix of clients from real estate development to cutting edge new innovative entrepreneurs and working with high net private investors.
Their ongoing relationships with the Consulate General of Canada Trade Commissioner offices globally, Energy Industry Council in London/Houston and being the Alternative Service Provider to the United States Consulate General, US Department of Commerce, International Trade offices in Canada, gives us global outreach that benefits our clients.
Patrick would like to discuss this with you and how his work with the US Department of Commerce and International Trade could support your clients in attracting new business into the US, Canada, and Globally.…
See more about Patrick’s board position with The American Chamber of Commerce in Canada, Western Chapter –