Cat’s Track #190 – Marc Boychuk

 In Cat's Track

Welcome to Cat’s Track Episode 190, with guest Marc Boychuk.

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Marc Boychuk is passionate about ending homelessness and identifying programs needed to accomplish this. Marc currently sits on several boards and committees including; Alberta Health Advisory, Stepping Up (Preventing Domestic Violence Against Woman), Aboriginal Interagency, Restorative Justice, Poverty Reduction and RCMP Advisory committees.

Housing First and Sustainable Housing with supports are what Marc is advocating for as a major solution for people living in unsafe and unsanitary situations. Working with the Federal, Provincial and municipal governments and agencies Marc hopes to identify and bring much needed supports for rural areas.

Working closely the Alberta Rural Development Network and being involved in the largest coordinated homeless estimation in 2018, gave Marc a firsthand knowledge at what is most needed in his community for those housed and unsheltered. By being in the shelters, soup kitchens, streets, make shift shelters, supportive living houses and prisons, Marc is continually learning and adapting to the new solutions and issues our vulnerable populations face.

Publications and recognition:…………